It looks like Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has put Apple CEO Tim Cook on the naughty list this holiday season.奇特Facebook的CEO马克·扎克伯格早已把苹果的CEO蒂姆·库克列为了这个圣诞假期的黑名单。The tech-for-tat tactics between the two most recognized names in Silicon Valley goes back to earlier this year.这两家硅谷最著名的公司之间的技术竞争策略之战,可以追溯到今年年初。
Cook has made critical comments about the 87 million Facebook users who had their data unknowingly accessed by a political firm.蒂姆·库克曾公开批评Facebook的8700万用户的数据被一家政治公司采访。In on broadcast interview, Cook was asked what his advice would be on the situation and responded I wouldnt be in that situation.在电视专访中,库克被问到如何处置这种情况时,他回应“自己会陷于这样的境地”。Zuckerberg reportedly had his own way of responding. He ordered his management team to use only Android phones, since the operating system has far more users than Apples, according to people familiar who spoke to the New York Times.据报导,扎克伯格随后用自己的方式展开了对此。据知情人士对《纽约时报》透漏,他“拒绝其管理团队要用安卓手机,相提并论安卓操作系统比苹果享有更加多用户。
”The sniping continued, according to the Times, as a site connected to a Republican opposition research firm working for Facebook, published several stories critical of Apple.据《纽约时报》报导,双方的互相反击仍在之后,一家服务于Facebook、赞成共和党的研究公司在网站公开发表了几篇批评苹果的文章。One story considered Cook hypocritical since Apple also collects data from users.其中一篇文章谴责库克伪善,因为苹果自己也从用户那里取得大量数据。