China is expected to demand 200 new air-cargo freighters and 470 converted freighters over the next 20 years, said a senior official of Boeing.波音公司的一位高管回应,未来20年,中国预计将必须200架新的空运货机和470架改装成货机。Demand for air-cargo freighters is expected to expand exponentially thanks to China owning the worlds fastest growing e-commerce industry, said Randy Tinseth, vice president of commercial marketing for the Boeing Company.波音公司商业营销副总裁兰迪·廷塞思回应,由于中国享有全世界增长速度最慢的电商产业,所以预计对空中货机的市场需求将出指数般快速增长。Boeing forecasts that the fleet of Chinas air-cargo freighters will expand from about 180 in 2017 to 740 by 2037.波音公司预测,到2037年,中国空中货机将从2017年的180架快速增长到740架。In Tinseths point of view, Chinas e-commerce market has the highest trading scale in the world, giving Chinas cargo transportation market enormous developmental potential.在廷塞思显然,中国电商市场享有全球仅次于的交易规模,这给中国货运交通市场带给了极大的发展潜力。
Over the past decades, mass transportation of goods is the major source of Chinas air cargo industry. And the emerging e-commerce, featuring in massive loose goods from scattering online stores, gradually change the source, structure as well as the volume of Chinas air cargo goods.在过去的几十年里,货物的大规模运输是中国航空货运业的主要来源。而以布满在网店、有大量散货为特点的新兴电子商务,渐渐转变了我国航空货物的来源、结构和数量。Even until eight years ago, the market size of e-commerce in China was only about half of that in the United States. And now, its market size in China is twice over in the United States, according to Tinseth.据廷塞思透漏,八年前,中国电子商务的市场规模只有美国的一半左右,而现在早已是美国的两倍。Over the past five years, Boeing freighters orders and deliveries account for more than 90 percent of the total global market, he said.他回应,在过去五年中,波音货机的订单和交付给量占到全球市场总量的90%以上。
In 2016, Boeing launched the 737-800 Boeing Converted Freighter program here in China, and the first 737-800BCF has been delivered to the buyer.2016年,波音在中国发售了737-800波音改装成货机计划,首批波音货机已交付给买家。We feel a large amount of enthusiasm from our customers in the air cargo business and are confident in continuously supporting their growth in the dynamic market in China, said Tinseth.廷塞思说:“我们感受到了顾客对于航空货运业的很大热情,并有信心之后反对他们在中国活跃的市场中的发展。